Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My dear Delaney is getting ready to walk.  I can't believe it, last year at this time I was getting ready to have her and just one year, 365 days later, my sweet baby girl is attempting this walking thing.  Tonight, Delaney and I went to the park and walked the trails on her push along bike. After that we went to the dollar store to buy some random things, we probably didn't need, but when you find something your child really likes, don't you just want to buy them every form of that toy? So we bought two new balls and played catch in the cart, it was fun, I love her ear piercing excited squeals in a store with lots of other people around.  I used to cringe at this idea, but less and less things seem to make me nervous anymore.  So anyways, after our beautiful walk in the park and the ever popular dollar tree, mommy decided it was time for a little Dairy Queen, so Delaney and I stopped and I hopped in the back seat and she had just a bit of plain vanilla and I enjoyed a butterfinger blizzard.  But I realized that I liked hers better.  I definitely think simpler is better.  In every aspect of the phrase.  So I'm going to try to keep more things simple.  Bam, just like that.

I think I have like 12 days of school left, or something like that.  I go day by day, can you tell.  Some teachers start the countdown after Christmas break is over.  But I'm not a person who thinks that far ahead, I'm very happy with being ready for the next hour and maybe even tomorrow.
My words of wisdom for today come from Oprah, it was hard to say goodbye to her today and throughout this past season, and sadly, I haven't even been able to finish that last episode, but its on my DVR so that counts for something right.  Anyways, back to the words, You are in charge of your life.  I love this.  Whatever you want to make possible, you can.  It just takes the work part, the hard work and time and dedication.  I'm going to pass this on to my Delaney and encourage her to follow her dreams and that I will always be right here for her no matter what she decides.  I will support her, nurture her, encourage her, trust in her, be there for her, and be all that she needs at all of the different times in her life.  I'm so glad I get to do this, but I'm in charge of my own life, and I choose these things. 

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